For High-Achieving Spiritual Entrepreneurs
and Change Agents! 

Introducing one of my boldest undertakings yet that could really benefit you!

I'm currently launching a new program that could change everything for you in your business! 

This is something I have done with past clients.  And it has ended up creating great results and movement forward for them.

Clients have created massive breakthroughs...

Ellany Lea


I reached 6 figures in 6 months, when I knew it would have taken years on my own! You rock my world!

Brad Warren


I met my income goal in April and surpassed my income goal of $10,000 per month in May!

Kerrie MacDonald


I attracted 15 new Reiki client in three weeks! Very excited! Much love and gratitude.

Mary Ann Bailey


I am much better at bringing on clients and more comfortable charging higher fees. I doubled my income within 2 months.

Gregory Joseph


I am deeply grateful for the successes I have achieved. I have achieved more in the last 12 weeks than I have in the last 2 years!

Janick Lemieux


So happy to report I have added 12 new clients within the first 2 weeks. Oh. My. Word. Thank you, Eva! 

However, I can't help everyone.

As much as I love this type of high-level work where I work very closely with my clients - it takes a lot of time and energy.

So when I do, I only take on a few carefully selected participants on the journey with me. 

So WHY do I do it? 

Because my passion is less about teaching spiritual entrepreneurs and change agents how to start a business...

...and more about helping them ramp up their business and achieve GREAT RESULTS.

My interest is helping you figure out the best strategies to turn what you do into a successful, enlightened business that's aligned with your Spirit and values.

But we face a MASSIVE issue today...

Which creates a lot of busy work that gets you nowhere fast. 
And that is information overload.

There is just too much scattered information and not enough focused implementation that gets you results. 

We've all experienced it.. It's likely you've found yourself in information overload before - more than once. You may be in the middle of it right now! 

That's why I love helping folks break through the overwhelm, get clear on what works and focus on that.

In other words, it's about 90% implementation and 10% information. 

Maria Lesetz


This has been my best year yet in my business! I more than doubled my client base. This was the first time my investment in a coach and coaching program helped me significantly grow my business, (And I have worked with quite a few coaches!) . Abundant gratitude in my heart for you, Eva! Thank you!

Which inspired my newest undertaking...

The Rapid Results Revenue Ramp Up Intensive

In 180 days you'll accomplish more than others do in 2-3 years...because you'll be doing what's needed when others won't. 

And when we speak, you'll either be done with me or you'll be thanking me! In which case, you'll be getting into massive action...but you'll love the end result! 

Let me explain...

Years ago, I got this crazy notion to run a marathon. I was putting on weight, and the 1-mile runs I was doing on my own weren't making any difference. I'd even dropped some major money on gym memberships. But after a while, I stopped showing up.

I loved the idea of training with a group of other committed runners and being accountable to our coach so I wouldn't flake out on myself. And his message appealed to me:

"It will be the most intense endurance training
 you can do, and you'll be thrilled with the end result!"

Clearly what I had been doing wasn't working. And I was committed to seeing this through, knowing, in the end, I'd be glad I did! 

For the next 180 days, it pushed me to my edge more than once. 

But my coach wouldn't let me slack off. He kept pushing and prodding me past my edge, encouraging me every step of the way. 

There were days I wanted to sleep in. At times I wanted to quit. But with his support, I held onto my vision and kept going. 

And he was right! 


In 180 days, I went from barely making it 2 miles when I first started training to easily running the full 26.2 mile marathon. My body was stronger than it had been in years and I felt great!

IN 180 DAYS!

Elizabeth Barbour


I increased my income by $1,600 a month [an additional $19,200 a year] just by adding one coaching group!

The point of my story is this...

If you can transform the ability of your body in 180 days...

Just think about where you could take your business!

The beauty of it was I didn't need a ton of expensive equipment. I didn't have to go learn new skills...

All it took was one investment in a simple effective coaching program. I just had to focus on my vision and get into action...simple but effective action! 

And don't be surprised to know the FIRST MOST IMPORTANT action is the work you do that keeps you connected with your Inner Guidance and aligned with your RESULTS!

It's about getting into action and doing the work!

Which brings me back to the Rapid Results Revenue Ramp Up Intensive...

Like the name implies, it's an "intensive". You will be in action. And you'll love the results. 

Taking simple effective action steps and achieving results is what I see missing for so many spiritual entrepreneurs and change agents. 

If you...

  • want to achieve some amazing results over the next 180 days
  • have the desire and determination to ramp up your business fast
  • are willing to get into massive action in a way most people won't...

This could be for you.

(Maybe you already know that it is.) 

I only want to serve those of you who are ready to transform your business now without money being a barrier.

On the other hand, I also want to dissuade the 'professional' students who want to learn one more thing but rarely take action (you know who I'm talking about).

That's why I set a tuition that's affordable for this type of high-level program and extremely attractive to trailblazers and action takers. And it will fend off the energy drainers and chronic complainers! 

Even so, I can only support a few people at a time at this level.

That's why I'm selective about who gets in.

Susan Sinclair


At my live events, I've had about 85-90% request a breakthrough session and from these sessions, more than 80% have become clients

This is NOT for you if...

    • You don't already have an ongoing business with a few clients. (This is not a way to get started in business, but a way to ramp up an existing business.)
    • You're looking for a 'one size fits all' cookie-cutter approach. (That rarely if ever works.) 
    • You want to develop a complicated funnel of products, packages and programs. (We keep it simple.)
    • You think you can meditate your way to millions without putting in the required resources, time and effort. (Okay that was a bit sarcastic but seriously, effort can be exhilarating when it is aligned with your Spirit and values.)
    • You don't understand the power of your Inner Guidance for creating ultimate success in your life.

This IS for you if...

  • You have a viable business, even if it isn't where you want it to be right now.
  • You're ready to identify your unique genius and a business model that supports it. 
  • You want a clear, personalized action plan to reach your desired results...not a one-size-fits-all  model... but a plan that leverages the assets you already have.
  • You're committed to making your connection to Inner Guidance and your end result your TOP PRIORITY!

    You know you can implement - you just need to know what to implement.  And you're willing to implement like crazy.

Talking about doing something is not the same as ACTING on something. That's why 90% of spiritual entrepreneurs struggle in business. 

The Rapid Results Revenue Ramp Up Intensive is focused on energetically aligning your ideas and goals into top priority, maximum inspired actions!

Everything I do is set up to support 
you 100% based on:


1) Growing a heart-centered business serving others

2) Creating a life of freedom (whatever that looks like for you)

3) Having it happen fast.

Just like my marathon training...I had a few specific things I executed over and over again. Every day.

You want support, feedback and coaching - from someone who's done it, who's helped others do it and is still doing it today.

You want accountability and someone who can believe in you when you forget to believe in yourself. Someone who will help you remember who you REALLY are in order to re-align with your True Self, your unique genius and knowing!

Not more information...but inspiration, insights and tweaks you can act on to get the results you want. It's all about combining the resources and skills you already have with your Inner Guidance and Forward Focus!

What really matters is that you're yearning for it! 

Stephanie Yost Mentzell


I'm making more today than I ever have! Money is becoming a non-issue!

Here's what you get from the program:

Whatever you decide to accomplish and put the energy into achieving. That's it.

  • Want to get your next 10 clients - and create a system to "wash, rinse, repeat" again and again to get more? AWESOME!
  • Want to rev up your sales from $5,000 to $10,000 a month? PERFECT!
  • Want to create a quick one-time income generator? DONE!
  • Insert YOUR biggest desire here! LET'S DO THIS!

Here's how we make this happen: 

STEP 1. We get you clear on your results and direction. 

STEP 2: You get into laser-focused action and implementation.

STEP 3: You receive support, feedback, course correction, inspiration and accountability.

That's it! It's very simple.

It's about laser-focused action from inspiration that gets results. Busy work has no place here. 

Bottom line: 
It's about getting things done and crossing the finish line.

And I'm here to hold your hand every step of the way...Here's how:

  • The program is 6 months (180 days)
  • It's a small intimate group of folks (with an optional private track)
  • We meet on Zoom 3 times a month (with 2 more monthly coaching calls for added support)

    We'll get you jump-started with a private 1-on-1 session with me where we map out your personalized action plan to turn your Humanity into your Prosperity - with your own secret sauce and superpowers.

    The Zoom mastermind calls are designed to focus on any energy shifts that are needed, and to hone and refine your personalized action plan so you know what you need to do next. 

The group coaching calls are to help you work through any obstacles or challenges you may be having, work on energy and mindset shifts if needed, and to gain further clarification on your next action steps. This is where you can ask as many questions as you want and get them all answered. 

Along the way, you'll be given additional resources and education where needed, but remember, this program is about 90% implementation and 10% information!

And if you're looking for perfection, forget it. That's just an excuse for staying stuck.

"Winners take imperfect actions, while losers are busy perfecting their plans."

If you want results...then welcome to the family! 

Evakarin Wallin


I've had one success after another.. 50% at my workshop signed up directly for a six-month program.   A trainer wants to have me do a module on The Freedom-Based Mindset which means I get exposure to their entire client base!

So let's talk about the investment.  

The investment is NOT an issue for the right person...

I deliberately wanted to make it attractive for the right person and at the same time, deter those who are not right for the program.

There is something for you to understand when're you're investing in yourself and getting access to high-level mentoring with me.

Normally, the only way to work with me privately is in my high-end programs that start at  $12,000 and go to  $30,000.  

I decided to offer THIS program at a mere fraction of this!

Pricing the program was a challenge...

Because this group is a pilot program, I wanted it to be at a significantly lower investment than my other high-end programs.,,which I could do and limit the level of support you receive.

But that defeated the whole purpose - which is to support you at the highest possible level to GET RESULTS!

Not for those looking for a 'magic pill'!

In the end, I decided to do is set the price at a very doable low four figures. For the right person, it's a significant discount to what it will be when I roll it out publicly and yet it's high enough to keep away the uncommitted folks looking for a quick fix, the 'professional' students, or the chronic complainers.

I only want A-players who are 100% committed to their success.

Maybel Reyes


...Attracted 30 new chiropractic clients (the most clients ever) within 2 months during a slow season!

Here's what to do next.

I'm going to guess if you're still reading this, it's resonating with you. If so, let's connect for a NO PRESSURE qualifying call. 

To book your session with me, click on the button below to schedule a time that's convenient for you over the next couple of days. You'll be taken to a brief questionnaire to complete. 

That's it. It's very simple. No jumping through hoops and no pressure. 

This call is NOT a call where you get to pick my brain for free. 

This is a call where we get together and identify what's of value to you, explore what's possible and  determine if I can help you. 

If we decide it's not a fit, I'll still love you and we'll go our separate ways for now. 

If it is a fit, we can take care of the payment to secure your spot and get you started on the most exhilarating journey of your life over the next 180 days! 

Get ready for an amazing journey!

We'll start with a private 1-on-1 call with me where we'll map out 3 things:

1) Your Personal Success Matrix

We'll review your Human Design chart to make sure what you are creating is aligned with your Spirit and values, and dial in your Inner Game for Outer Results. We'll identify your unique genius for ramping up your business and attracting your ideal clients over the next 180 days! 

2. Your Strength-Based Business Model

Based on your Personal Success Matrix we'll map out a simple elegant business foundation targeting your Divine Market, developing your unique message and high-level offer and identify the marketing strategies that will work for you.

3. Your Attraction-In-Action Amplifier

Then we get into Action! Massive inspired action...developing a consistent presence in your Divine Market for attracting your target audience, holding heart-centered conversations that convert into high-paying clients.

My mission is to ramp up your revenue fast!

If that is what YOU want as well, then let's talk.

Hopefully I'll be welcoming you into the Rapid Results Revenue Ramp Up family in short order! 

Until then...

Here's to your enlightened business success!

Eva Gregory, CPCC

Mentoring Spiritual Entrepreneurs from Chaos to Clarity and From Clarity To Cash Flow!

Below are  comments from some of my past clients that will give you some insight into what it's like to ramp up your business fast!

Ellany Lea, Founder
Guide To Grace

I was at a point where I knew that

I didn’t know what I didn’t know and it was costing me a lot of time, money, stress and lost opportunities…

Prior to working with Eva, I was struggling. I was tired of googling things for free, hoarding a bunch of self-study courses and just needed a mentor to tell me what to do and what not to do.

I kept hitting the six-figure wall and regressing. It was a nauseating roller coaster.

I craved direction and I knew I had to make a mega leap (emotionally, financially, commitment-wise) to show the Universe that I was ready for much more.

And because I outgrow my coaches and mentors at lightning speed, I needed someone who was playing a seven-figure game to mentor me.

You taught me leverage, how creamy and simple it was to re-use everything I already had.

My perfectionist and restlessness took a hike during our work together.

I reached 6-figures in 6 months working half the hours…

And I cut through years of trial and error because you called me out on the ‘victim story’ I had left over from years of turmoil. I feel so fulfilled, so alive and so on fire!

Eva, you are the best gift sent from heaven. You are spiritual and know how to harvest the power of the Universe into my business. You make things practical and you made it fun to clean up the mess that was in my business and get through the tough times with a giggle.

You brought me from a 5-out-of-10 to a 9-out-of-10 in 6 months…when I knew it would have taken me 2-3 years on my own! You rock my world! 

Maria Lesetz
Law of Attraction Happiness Coach

This year has been my best year yet in my business! I more than doubled my clients. I increased my coaching fees…

I had new clients signing up for my new six-month package in an easy breezy fashion.

I attribute my success to Eva’s coaching and especially implementing her approach to breakthrough sessions for attracting more clients…as well as her spiritual approach.

It was the best investment I have ever made in a coaching program and a coach.

This was the first time my investment in a coach or coaching program help me significantly grow my business. And I have worked with quite a few coaches!

Abundant gratitude in my heart for you, Eva! Thank you!

​Susan Sincla​ir
Spiritual Intuitive

I have helped more than 180 people in just two years…

My work with Eva has been the #1 reason my spiritual livelihood moved beyond being ‘just a dream’ into a growing empowered energy healing practice that has helped more than 180 people in just 2 years.

With Eva’s help I learned effective ways to follow up my live events to build my email list and attract clients I love to work with.

Her breakthrough sessions were truly the key to client manifestation.

At first, when I did live events, I would have perhaps one or two people working with me afterwards. But once I began inviting people into breakthrough sessions after events, my results skyrocketed!

In the live events I’ve led since I started using Eva’s breakthrough session model, I’ve had about 85-90% of attendees request a session with me and from those sessions, more than 80% have become clients!


That was a real breakthrough for ME!

Because of the spiritual guidance and practical tools Eva has taught me, I look forward to a business that continues to thrive and create even greater transformations for my clients and myself!

Thank you, Eva!

Selah Cambias
Family Types Live Action Parenting System

Having Eva as my coach has been an investment in my business that has paid me back over and over…

I decided just over three years ago that I needed a business coach to help me develop an idea I had for a coaching business based on my expertise of reading archetypes of people.

I had read Eva’s book and knew she’d be the best person to keep me in touch with both my spiritual goals and business goals. I’ve worked with Eva ever since.

Having Eva as my coach has been an investment in my business that has paid me back over and over.

Choosing the direction and the means of my business would have taken me years and years longer had I not walked the path with her.

If I could describe how it is to work with Eva in one word, it would be CLARITY.

With clarity of purpose, things fall into place. Things that take a time and great commitment get done.
Things develop in a way that is like an unfolding, instead of being forced.

I know I’m not alone in my experience as a client of Eva’s. She’s more than just a coach, teacher, marketing expert and visionary.

Eva helps us create a Legacy. 

​Joan Vaughn
Artist and Creative Coach

I have ten associations working with me and profits beyond what I ever imagined!

I truly admire those who have the ability to inspire and actually move others into action effortlessly. I’m truly honored to have been taught by you.

I’ve been given blessings beyond what I can even hold. Thank you for inspiring me to be as generous in love, knowledge and support as you are.

You are truly at the top of my list of people who walk the talk and have the ability to actually help others to walk their talk too…

I really wanted breakthroughs in work, career and finances and I got big shifts that have never happened before!

In the last few weeks, I have 10 associations working with me – and profits beyond what I ever imagined.  

I’m getting bookings for my design business. I can’t even get to them all…soooo cool! So many clients are calling me for orders. I’m in awe at what has transpired!


So thank you a million times a zillion into eternity!

I believe I'm required to tell you to not assume the experiences from past clients are a promise that you'll generate the same results. These folks were committed to following my lead and doing what it takes to create their success. What I do works - when you work it. Unfortunately the average person doesn't do that, They don't follow through or implement and therefore get lackluster results. The caliber of folks who work with me understand that. But for those who need it laid out for them, well, this is it. 

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