How Would You Like To Be In The Top 5% In The World...Who Are Committed To Achieving Success Personally & Professionally While Maintaining Balance In Your Life?

What would it be worth to you to develop a winning foundation for reaching success in every area of your life and be achieving your goals within the next 10 months?

"We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life." - Jim Rohn 

What if success was your ONLY option!!

What I have learned is that most folks really want a good life full of good things and good experiences. And most folks spend a lot of time wishing and hoping for that good life. But they don’t know how to achieve it. They don’t understand why they are getting what they are getting.

What I teach is the underlying understanding for getting what you want in life and the importance of getting into action – inspired action – joyful action. That’s the name of the game.

Once you understand the rules of the game, you can take stock of where you are now, identify where you want to be, and create the steps to get you there.

Having worked with individual clients for several years now, helping them create beliefs and habits that support them in successfully achieving their goals, I really wanted a way to reach more people.

From that desire, the Leading Edge Living One Year Success Program™ was born.

"I created a better job and quadrupled (not a typo) my salary, spent Christmas in Maui, acquired a customized carbon road bike, won a 44-mile road bike race, attracted an outstanding life coach, [sending] my son to spend his junior year in college in Barcelona, attracted a loving, fantastic partner whom I adore, and the list continues! Three years ago I was getting divorced, had no job and no home. Blessings to you!"

Layton Payne, Houston TX 

"I was disoriented and depressed. I had recently lost my mother to cancer, my marriage of 10 years had broken up, I was holding on to a high pressure job barely by the skin of my teeth. I was an emotional wreck. Just the fact that I have been able to attain any goal is a testament to your ability, Eva, as I had not been able to on my own, for at least 2 years. I have, through your knowledge and skill, achieved over half my goals for the year in 3 months!"

Deanna Wharwood, Rockville MD 

"My new work is thriving from the point of being exciting and making a big difference with people. I work from my perfect location. My clients are telling other people about me. Pretty much everything I really focused on came to fruition – or even better – and it could take from seconds to a couple of months. I use Law of Attraction with my body, food, feelings, relationships, work, projects, daily life – everything. Leading Edge Living shifted me deeply inside. Eva, you have made such a major impact on my life."

Wendy Yellen, Santa Fe NM 

Most folks are left wanting in certain areas of their lives, whether it be around money, career, relationships, health, time, personal development, environment, etc. (Successful people take action in these areas for continued growth and development.)

I have personally used the processes and principles in this program to successfully sell a software company, create a thriving coaching business, publish two books and host my own radio show. Now I want to show you how to achieve YOUR dreams and goals – step-by-step – over the next 10 months.​

What is the Leading Edge Living Success Program™?

The Leading Edge Living Success Program™ is a comprehensive online weekly program for reaching your goals within 10 months. By participating in this revolutionary program, you get the benefit of having a full support system on a weekly basis along with the tools, training, follow-up, accountability and the energy of a group all working towards the same thing.

How Does It Work?

  • You participate from the comfort of your own home or office.
  • Each week a new lesson will be activated in your Resources Center and notification will be emailed to you.
  • Each weekly lesson is about an hour long. You will be given the lesson and focus for that week and access to the private Leading Edge Living facebook forum.
  • There you will be able to share your wins and challenges, ask questions, receive answers, obtain updates and get group support along with other like-minded individuals participating in the course along with you.
  • The community is designed for you to be able to acknowledge, get support and share – much like a Mastermind. You will experience the energy and synergy that will inspire you and lift you up along your 10-month journey.
  • BONUS! You will also be receiving special guest expert audios and interviews each month. This program allows you to plug in and reap the benefits of the experience and wisdom of these outstanding teachers.

"I have gotten a new car, a beautiful bedroom set, and a calm soothing environment. I’m taking a Law of Attraction practitioner course and am at a great place in regards to a healthy weight and optimal health. I am in total control of my life and attract wonderful things with little effort."

Peggy Porter, Darling Island NB CANADA 

"It is through Eva’s message to focus on the end results and not to fret the ‘how’s’ that have made a miraculous increase in my day-to-day business. My business increased by 200% and the best part is that it was easier getting there than struggling with old outdated business models I was use to. Eva really is on the Leading Edge - and she brings the very best gifts to her clients."

Bob Burnham, Burnmac Franchises, Coquitlam BC Canada 

"I used to get impatient and try everything under the sun. I learned to focus. I wanted to build a network marketing business. What I found was my passion for EFT and my purpose in life. I have come so far from where I was that I find it hard to believe. I am finding such joy that I don’t want to change a thing!"

John Priest, Irvine CA

What Will I Gain?

  • A life of integrity
  • A life lived from your values
  • A life with clear boundaries
  • A life of high standards
  • A life free of tolerations
  • A life of meaningful relationships
  • A life of balance
  • A life of less stress
  • A life with more time for the things that are important to you
  • A life of work that fulfills you
  • A life where your needs are met
  • A life of extreme self-care
  • A life of health and well-being
  • A life lived from choice
  • A life lived from Inner Wisdom
  • A life by design
  • A life where success is your only option!

"I magically manifested a fabulous program and the ideal resources to create the concept, logo, website, sales page, affiliate program and product in just 4 weeks. Thanks, Eva, for giving me the guidance, encouragement and tools to create miraculous results."

Alice Greene, Newburyport, MA 

"I doubled my Karate students. My love life is great. I have an over-flow of cash in all my bank accounts. I had a prosperous year. Your program shifted me from lost and shivering to standing on my own two feet."

Judy Burnhardt, Merritt Island FL

Consider This

Why go after your dreams and aspirations? Why reach for what you want to be, do and have?

I say, "why not"? The fact that you have desires is the indicator you have the ability to achieve them. Why wouldn’t you go for it? Do you think there are only a special few that deserve to have what they want in life? If others deserve it, then why not you? You are as deserving as the next person. Having what you want in life is your birthright! You just need to decide you want it and be willing to go after it.

So why not now? What could be a better time to start than right now? You could choose to continue doing the same things you’ve always done and I guarantee you will continue to get what you’ve always gotten. The opportunities are out there now. Why not be the one to go after them now?

What if success was your ONLY option!!

Get instant access to our Leading Edge Living Success Program now!

Hundreds of folks paid as much as $2700 to participate in this program live!

With this special limited-time web offer you can get Lifetime Membership in the 10-month Leading Edge Living Success Program at a fraction of that!

For Only

$49/month for 10 months

Or only $399/full pay

You have nothing to lose by joining this program. The positive effects from this program will not only benefit you, but those around you, as you become a ripple effect on others.

In this program, you have the opportunity to participate along with a group of other like-minded people to support you in your goals. You are not in this alone!

It's not too late to join me in making this your best year yet!

As Nike says...

Yours in abundance and support,

"I had some very enlightening revelations about what was holding me back. Today I am feeling terrific about my dreams and goals. Our machine shop has a new identity (rebuilding vintage car engines), my stock portfolio quadrupled and retirement in Baja California is a real possibility. I am now writing a book about deliberate creation in childhood. I am eternally grateful for you, Eva, and your program!"

Patricia Moore, Applegate CA

"I reached my goal (never reached before) of 30 new clients a month even before the program was over!

Collections were the highest they’ve ever been this month.
The leads are coming in; the pipeline is filling. I’m in a better headspace. Things are happening all over the place without the effort I thought I needed. I would like to thank you again, Eva, for following your bliss and guiding me through the process that allows alignment with my own Inner Being, resulting in the highest highs I’ve ever experienced!"

Marian Reyes, Sacramento CA