"Explode Your Capacity To Receive: A Breakthrough Experience In Abundance!"

Imagine What It Would Be Like
To Always Know...

...without a shadow of a doubt, the right choice to make, the best action to take, the ideal approach to any problem.

...in moments of worry or stress, when there's too much to do, when you  are not sure how you're going to manage your life, you could immediately connect with your Inner Guidance and get your own personal support and direction...24/7.

Not only would you be relieved of enormous amounts of stress and worry, you would no longer need to depend upon the advice or spiritual counsel of others (unless you wanted to!) You would feel confident in your decisions, your path, your business, your investments, your relationships... and your life would finally be the life you have always dreamed of!

If you invest time, money and energy into receiving the wisdom, advice and support of spiritual advisors and other experts, read on... you're going to LOVE this.

Hi! This is Eva Gregory.

I've been an avid student of Law of Attraction, mindset and spiritual development for over three decades now. And I've always been drawn to teachers who could access inner guidance...especially guidance that shows you how to open yourself up to the infinite probabilities and possibilities of abundance and good that is available to you through your connection to your Higher Self and simple, yet powerful mindset shifts.

Well, that abundance and good is available to you. Right here. Right now.

Over time, after working through my own limiting beliefs and confronting those voices in my head that said things like, "Who are you to think this is possible for you?" I discovered how to access my own Inner Guidance through my Higher Self, shift my mindset and began to experience the guidance and the good that is available to each and every one of us.

You may be thinking the same thing...that it's not possible for you to have your own direct connection to the Inner Guidance that will change your life. I'm here to tell you, you absolutely can! And I can show you how!

There is not a human being alive that doesn't have their own Inner Guidance and the ability to make massive mindset shifts in a very direct way.

You just need to know how to do it - and how to ask for what you want. You also need to know how to be open to receiving the abundance you are asking for.

Sally Leathers

Thank you Eva for yet another 'WOW' experience!

I’m enjoying the ride! Thank you Eva for yet another 'WOW' experience through your Explode Your Capacity to Receive program. I am still digesting and integrating all the profound and life changing transformations (moving deeper into the presence and flow of Spirit – learning to live each day from this place of love and grace, becoming aware of and releasing patterns that no longer serve me, and becoming more present and available in each moment, to name but just a few). This program has given new meaning to the term 'light hearted'. While you so brilliantly and beautifully embody and teach that living from Spirit is to be a joyful, playful experience full of ease and grace, this program further revealed the radiant light always present within my heart, making me and my life even more light hearted. Thank you for shining your heart light so brightly so that I too can fully enjoy the ride we call life. The image that comes to heart is one of a dog taking a car ride with the wind blowing in her face, utterly and completely with every cell of being, enjoying every moment.

Your Higher Self Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself...And Wants You To Have Everything You Want!

So here's the real clincher. Are you ready for this...

Your Higher Self already has it all. And everything your Higher Self has is yours!

The trouble is we limit ourselves as to what we ask for! We don't believe we can have it!

Learning how to ask for what you want through your Higher Self, so that you are actually open to receiving it is a quantum leap in consciousness. It's the direct path to all the joy, creativity, experiences and love you've always wanted.

And I can show you how to clearly receive the answers, support, information and experiences you need and want, WHENEVER you want!

Tarisha Tourok

With my business, I just ask my questions...I always get the results for myself.

With my business, I just ask my questions...I always get the results for myself. I don't have to go out and ask someone else. I just go back to myself and my Inner Guidance. It is so much easier and quite empowering. I feel connected all the time now with the Divine. I'm in more in alignment in my life and with who I am. It's like a jigsaw...and all the pieces are coming together.

This three-month program will hook you up with your own Inner Guidance so you can access your own information, answers and on-the-money advice in your life and in your business!

You'll be shown exactly how to ask for what you want so that you can be open to receive it. You'll also learn how and why to ask for far more than what you normally limit yourself to!

We've been dipping into the vast ocean of infinite possibilities with a thimble! (What were we thinking?!)

This program really is about experiencing a quantum leap in consciousness. And the energy and timing for it couldn't be more perfect!

This is the wave we're riding now. More and more, we are becoming aware that we are meant to merge the Guidance from our Higher Selves with our conscious work-a-day selves. We are meant to blend our practical lives with our spiritual selves.

We are meant to bring these aspects of ourselves together seamlessly, so that our days are a delightful dance with the Divine, and we know how to effortlessly and joyfully create the abundant businesses and lives we desire.

So, if you're thinking, "This isn't possible for me," that's simply not true.

Let Me Ask You This. Have You Ever...

  •  Made a business deal that looked pretty good on paper, but your intuition kept saying, "I'm not sure sure..." and in the end, your intuition was right. But you weren't open to hearing the answer that was in your highest interest?
  •  Invested years of your life not to mention your precious heart energy and hopes for the future in a relationship - personal or business - that left you feeling unappreciated and unsure of yourself because you weren't open to receive the more fulfilling relationships and experiences you've been asking for?

  • Spent way too much money looking outside yourself to fix something in your business or in life, only to be disappointed, frustrated and discouraged, when what you haven't realized is, you have everything you need within you to succeed!

What have these kinds of situations cost you, not only in time, money, energy and effort, but in self-esteem, self-confidence and your capacity to thrive and live the abundant, joyous life you desire?

Now, think of all the time, money and creative life energy you will save when you have access to your own direct, dependable Inner Guidance, know how to ask for exactly what you want (no compromising!) and how to be open to receive the very things you're asking for!

Bridget Engel

It's been life transforming for me...

It's been quite an amazing journey since I've been in your program....It's been life transforming for me...It gave me feelings of deep trust...a knowingness...that life was going to speed up for me in glorious ways with more synchronicities and more spaciousness of time...and it's so much fun.

Explode Your Capacity To Receive

A Breakthrough Experience To Access The Abundance In Your Life 
That's Been There All Along!

This is a deep-dive, high-flying program that gives you access to your own powerful, on-the-money guidance FOREVER!

Explode Your Capacity To Receive™  is about experiencing direct communication with your Inner Guidance and not only getting answers to absolutely everything but learning how to be open to receive the very things you are asking for!
It's literally an "Ask and You Shall Receive" Breakthrough Course!

Never again will you be without your Inner Guidance to creative energy, inspiration and fun, and be energetically open to actually receive what you're asking for!

Here's what you can experience as a result of being in this program:

  1. Experience a deep connection to your Inner Guidance where you'll have direct access to answers, ideas, inspiration and wisdom, so you'll never have to second guess your decisions, wonder if you've made the right choice or pull your hair out trying to solve a problem.
  2. Learn how to merge your energy with that of your Higher Self and experience extraordinary peace of mind, security, confidence and massive mindset shifts.
  3. Learn how to ask for far more than you have ever imagined...and get it. (You haven't even begun to ask for all that is available to you!)
  4. Learn how to open yourself up to embracing the experiences of a good life...one of prosperity, success and joy.
  5. Experience brilliant clarity and insight on all kinds of situations and circumstances, so you'll know when to step up, when to step back, when to trust and hold on, and when to let go.
  6. Because you're in sync with your Higher Self who knows the best way to accelerate through those tight curves on the road of life, when you find yourself up against it...in the middle of chaos or crisis, you'll know exactly what to do to access the support and help you need immediately.
  7. Be immersed in a profound step-by-step process for being able to receive whatever you are asking for. (You'll be practicing this with every aspect of your life, every day!)
  8. Begin to see your life, your path and yourself from the 'bigger picture' viewpoint of your Higher Self
  9. And so much more...

Susan Vaughn

The work I have been doing is a dream come true for me...

I have learned so much from you in the time we've been working together. I feel like you have truly accelerated my journey and that we were destined to meet. Doing the work I've been doing in the last couple of months is a dream come true for me, for this is the kind of work I truly love and have always dreamed of doing. It is my genius and my gift that I have always envisioned myself giving to others... It is the most sacred thing in my life. I love you so much for being the catalyst for this leg of my journey. In eternal gratitude.

In Summary, Here's What You'll Receive:

  1. Downloadable Audio MP3's:  Complete audio mp3's will be available in a secure members area for easy access so you can download them to listen to at your convenience at any time, anywhere.
  2. All mp3 Visualizations and Journeys will be separated out from the full mp3 sessions and made available to you in your secure members area for you to download and listen to separately again and again.
  3. Private Facebook Forum for Members of the Program: Here's where you can keep the movement forward and the momentum alive! You'll be invited into the forum where you'll be able to interact with other participants in the program as you share your wins, get support and create community with other like-minded individuals!
  4. Live Monthly Q&A Calls: Each month over the course of the program you'll be invited to 2 live Q&A calls where you'll be able to get coaching and get your questions answered. An audio replay will be made available in your members area within 24 hours of each live call.

Sandy Russell

I have an uplevelled mindset and approach to marketing which feels calmer, more strategic and more fun!

I have worked with Eva in the past and have always really appreciated her powerful combination of law of attraction meets coaching and inspiration! So when I heard about her program, I felt compelled to join because I knew being with her energy on a regular basis would be great for me personally and professionally. Her high vibration and uplifting style is contagious! In particular, I have an uplevelled mindset and approach to marketing
my business which feels calmer, more strategic and more fun! I will always have Eva’s wisdom forefront in my life, especially her lessons on law of attraction and how ‘it’s all about the energy’! If you’re considering joining the program or working with Eva, know that
Eva is extremely generous in sharing the tips, tools and wisdom that have made her a very successful entrepreneur and she does it in a way that you feel totally supported and uplifted. You will love working with Eva and best of all she will help you get the results you are after!

Join "Explode Your Capacity To Receive" Now!

Choose the Payment Option that best suits you!

Full Pay



3 Monthly Payments



If you choose the full pay via PayPal, you may qualify for PayPal Credit, be able to participate in the program right away and pay NOTHING for 6 months! US customers only.

Stephanie Wellington

Everything I am wanting is showing up and coming together...

I am sitting in a place of tremendous appreciation. Everything I am wanting is showing up and coming together. The greatest surprise is that it is so much easier than it has ever been before. While sharing with a mom whom I knew I could help, I remained in my power. Reflecting on it now it was all my Inner Guidance coming through. For the first time ever I felt no doubt, no angst, just pure positive energy. It was synchronous that we came together, she shared her story, and that I could be of service. I feel almost paralyzed as I bask in the joy of it all!

Mikki Hanks

The decisions I make are clearer. My life just keeps getting better and better...

Now I feel like I'm in the driver's seat in my life. The decisions I make are clearer. The decisions I make are the right decision because I'm following my Inner Guidance. My life just keeps getting better and better. I've done a lot of classes and workshops and teleseminars. This has actually been the most fun and most fulfilling program I've ever done!

Ginny Roberts

There are no words to express enough love or gratitude......

Before the program, I had no idea how very much I'd change! I certainly now do know how much I can change and how easy it can be. I am looking at life with different eyes, a different heart, different inspiration. I have learned that every moment is able to change if you want it... I know it can be done. I have seen it, I have allowed it, I know it with more conviction than I ever imagined was possible. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE if you see it, if you imagine it, If you inspire it into creation. I have learned that changes can happen very quickly, I have learned the importance of staying in a state of joy and happiness with the whole process. I look at the time since connecting with you, Eva. There are no words to express enough love or gratitude and yes, I do truly know that I am the creator of this. I never knew how very talented I am! Love you. Bless you. Thank you for giving your heart and inspiration the way you do.

Sharon O'Day

There's a far greater clarity and I'm making decisions very differently now. I'm thrilled with the results!

Within three weeks of the program... in less than a minute...in the meditation I could tap into Inner Guidance, literally, On Demand. Even when it's not a massive issue I'm dealing with, even when it's a smaller issue, that's where I go to make a decision. I don't know where it comes from, I just know that there's a far greater clarity and I'm making decisions very differently now. I'm thrilled with the results!

Rochelle Zanini

I am seeing huge shifts in my approach, efficiency and end results

First, I'll say that I am a real fan of Eva and what she offers! As someone who has spent years working in the corporate business world as a CPA and am now transitioning into the energy world of Reiki and other energetic modalities, I completely resonate with Eva's approach of energetic, vibrational alignment along with very practical action that is rooted in inspiration (which just happens to be very easy with Eva's guidance)! I am seeing huge shifts in my approach, efficiency, and end results as I under take tasks for my Reiki business. Actually, I would say all areas of my life. Personally, I have found the energetic, vibrational alignment to be such a huge component and Eva makes it fun to integrate into your life.
I have found myself going back time and again to refer to the materials. I will frequently have a meditation or call recording playing in my headphones to help integrate the information more deeply and connect with Eva's enthusiastic, positive energy. Another benefit of combining the energetic, vibrational alignment and practical action - I am noticing that I am really connecting with my ideal clients. Also, I am more aware of fun synchronicities that pop up out of the blue - a call from someone who can help with promotion, a casual conversation that turns into a real interest in what I offer. The private facebook community is a great way to interact. It is exciting to see what others are experiencing, see some similarities, and be inspired. I have actually made a few friends that I interact with outside of the group. As with anything, you are very important part of the equation - what you get out it is dependent upon what you put into it. Eva definitely gives you all the tools and support. I am also working with Eva individually.I made that leap once I realized the depth of experience, knowledge and support that Eva had to offer.

Rhian Cotter

I have become much more finely tuned into the Guidance that is coming to me...

I began to understand at a deep level how the world really works. I started to process what I was hearing in a different way. I started to take information on board at a different level. This was a profound shift. This is truly transformation at a very deep level, and this is where the real changes are made. I have become much more finely tuned into the guidance that is coming to me from my guides and higher self. For anyone considering working with Eva, I would say, if you are truly hungry and truly thirsty to do this work, then you are in the right place. Eva can speak both to your soul, and from your soul. They can hit the spot and take you places that you cannot reach any other way. Eva is extraordinarily generous with her resources and her time. I'm in a different place in my head and in my body and spiritually. It's been a heck of a journey. New things keep opening up for me all the time! There's a new perspective and new objectivity and new way of getting out of the 'story' we tell ourselves much easier! There's no question it's been a magnificent journey! I just can't get enough of it! So thank you for everything, Eva!

Ready To Join Us...Or Do You Have A Few Questions?

I want you to feel excited, certain and completely comfortable before joining us!
So I'm sharing some of the common questions I get asked.

Who is this program for?

What if I've been struggling for years in my life? Will this work for me?

This sounds so amazing. Yet I'm still wondering if I should I join right now since I'm in overwhelm trying to get my business up and running?

When do I receive the program materials?

What types of payment do you take?

Dr. Karen O'Donnell

If you are considering joining the program, I say what are you waiting for? Go for it!

I have enjoyed working with Eva. What I know about myself that I did not know before joining the program is that I am totally in love with ME! I was already a positive person but now I am even happier, more confident. And that I'm okay. And enough. And every day getting even better. I trust and 'check in' with my Inner Guidance before acting or deciding. And I've expanded my career! If you are considering joining the program, I say what are you waiting for? Go for it! Go for it now! Now is your time!

Join "Explode Your Capacity To Receive" Now!

Choose the Payment Option that best suits you!

Full Pay



3 Monthly Payments



If you choose the full pay via PayPal, you may qualify for PayPal Credit, be able to participate in the program right away and pay NOTHING for 6 months! US customers only.